Join, Participate, Grow
Discover the Rewards of a
Butler County Medical Society Membership
Local Representation at the State Level
Each year, the Butler County Medical Society sends three delegates and one alternate to the Ohio State Medical Association's Annual Meeting to vote and represent our local physicians.
Community Outreach Program
Newly organized in 2020, the Community Outreach Program Committee which is seeking to increase outreach and exposure in Butler County as well as to create potential charitable partnerships.
Engaging and Educational Presentations and Family Events
We are working toward improving our program lineup. Everyone's time is valuable, and we are striving to strengthen and empower our membership with the latest information. Continue to understand that time with family as well as colleagues is important. We will continue to offer family events, so we can strengthen not only our relationships with colleagues but also with our families.
Make Connections, Be a Mentor, Find Camaraderie
Health care is changing rapidly. Stay connected with those making similar tough decisions. Help influence the next generation of doctors. Be a part of something more.
Timely and Relevant Guest Speakers
Local updates from Butler County officials keep physicians informed on the state of the county while allowing an open forum for any questions. Experts on new drugs and/or new labeling for existing drugs keeps physicians informed.
Membership Directory
Please contact the BCMS Executive Director at info@butlercountymedicalsociety.org with questions regarding our membership director.